Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is one of the rarest flower in the world. It is a rare and beautiful flower. It is distinct with its blue-green petals and navy-purple center. Green jade flower looks something like a fuschia plant on an acid trip.

The black bat flower is very beautiful and amazing. It is so very dark purple in color, so called black. It’s bloom is over 12″ in dia and it has got many “whiskers” which can grow to a length of 2 feet. This flower is native to rain forests in China. It finds its place in the list of rarest flowers in the world Sheryl due to the difficulty to get hold of one.

This 5-petalled fleshy flower will come upto one meter measure across and can weigh upto 10 kilograms. It doesn’t have roots, leaves or chlorophyll and it is a parasitic flower. It emits a foul smell, so also called as The Corpse flower. This is one of the rarest flower in the whole group.

Titan Arum is one of the largest flowers in the world. It is also called the Corpse flower like Rafflesia, because of the foul smell it emits. It is seen in Sumatra and has the world’s biggest inflorescence. It’s flower head will come about 4-9 feet tall.
This flower is also known as Cape Sundew. It is a carnivorous species feeding on insects. It has got strap like leaves which grow to about 3.5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. These straps are covered with brightly colored tentacles used to catch prey. Its flower is 5-petalled and pink in color.
The Ghost orchid does not have leaves. So it uses chlorophyll in its roots to prepare food. The flower has a ghostly white color hence the name Ghost orchid. The flower reaches up to 25 cm in diameter and has got a clean soapy smell.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Untouched beauties belong in the wild.Thank you for sharing with the masses!
